Tuesday 4 December 2012

Days begining

I have decided to start a blog to help myself get away from useless Social sites, ie Facebook. Having an addictive personality to just about anything I am wasting away WAYYY too much time with games and reading random peoples status's. I can do so much more with my time and my time is precious. It's about time that I realized it!!


  1. You are beautiful and your life is a series of volumes full of adventure, challenges, love, and curiosity. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
    Maybe there will be rainbows and giraffes! ;)

    1. You are an inspiration to me in many ways. I want to follow my dreams once I can slow down enough to figure out what they are. I am going to challenge myself to write at least 3 times a week. Look forward to your love along the way. :)

  2. I'm not sure if your reply is to my comments or Fyre's comments. If they are directed at me ...Awww. You're so sweet.
    I will look forward to those 3 times a week to see what you have written. And your life is definitely worth writing about.

    1. Thanks mom. Those comments were directed at Fyre. You are inspiration to me in your growth of love, understanding and acceptance of so many things you have weathered. I love you look forward to us growing more together and as individuals <3
